The color wheel identifies color families and how they relate to each other.
Read more about the color wheel.
Primary Colors
All colors, with the exception of white, come from primary colors.Blue, yellow and red are the primary colors;combinations of these three colors produce secondary colors.
Secondary colors
Mix equal amounts of two primary colors to create secondary colors.The results are violet (red and blue ),green (blue and yellow )and orenge (red and yellow ).
Tertiary Colors
Mix one primary color with larger amounts of another primary color to create tertiary colors.For example, mix one part blue with two parts red to make red-violet.
Other color Terms
-The hue of a color is the basic color.For example, blue is the hue in light blue and dark blue.
-Tone is the result of adding white and black (gray)to a color. Tone makes colors more pleasing to look at instead of pure pigment.
-The value of a color describes the amount of white or black in the color.The value ranges from light to dark on a gray scale.
-The saturation of a color refers to its strength or weakness in different light. Think about it in terms of bright or dull.
The Effects of color
Different colors affect our moods in different ways. Let's say that you've decided emarald green,your favorite color, is going to be the main focus in your room.Before you buy gallons of emarald green paint,consider the effect it will have on the appearance and mood of the room.
Warm and Cozy Colors
Warm and cozy colors,located on the right side of the color wheel,convey a message of togetherness and strength :
-Red represents energy, power and passion. It's also been found to stimulate appetite so it's a common choice for dining rooms.
-Less aggressive than red, orange creates warmth and a sense of joy.However,it's very hard to tone down and is often used as an accent color only.
-Yellow has different effects depending on how much is used.Generally, yellow is a happy and uplifting color but when it's overused it can become distracting and overwhelming.
Cool and soothing colors
Cool and soothing color, located on the left side of the color wheel, provide a sense of calm and feelings of trust :
-Green conveys a sense of renewal and growth. It's also one of nature's most prominent colors and blends easily with any room.
-Blue is generally a peaceful color.Light blue can make a room appear bright and refreshing, while a deep blue creates a sense of dignity.
-Violet combines the calm of blue and the energy of red.Violet is often used in bedrooms to communicate an air of serenity.
Pastel Colors
Pastel colors are the result of adding a large amount of white to colors.They create a comfortable,airy feeling in any room.
Neutral Colors
Neutral colors include shades of white, beige,taupe, gray and black.Neutral colors are the easiest colors to use for one obvious reason:they blend with most surroundings. Neutral colors can also be stylish and dramatic. For instance, black and white are neutral colors that create a worderful palette for additional colors.